Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Travel Tips and Unicorns

Today I was finally able to briefly live out something magical. Open forum in Spanish class! I have decided that there are a few key phrases that every respectable traveler should know. I ask them in each language class I take. I have compiled my years of research for you here.

I need alcohol, please. 

Spanish: Necesito alcohol, por favor.
French: J'ai besoin d'alcool, s'il vous plait.
German: Ich brauche Alkohol, bitte.

Help! Please don't kill me. I love you!

Spanish: Auxilio! Por favor no me mates. Yo te amo!
French: Au secours! S'il vous plaît ne me tuez pas. Je t'aime!
German: Hilfe! Bitte töte mich nicht. Ich liebe dich!

I am a human weapon.

Spanish: Soy un arma humana.
French: Je suis une arme humaine.
German: Ich bin ein Mensch Waffe.

You'll thank me later. :)

In other news, Day One of the Official Pants-Off Protest was a rousing success. Mostly. I did not wear pants. I wore a skirt. I feel like that still counts. I took that off the second I walked in the door though, so even if you're a purist, I should still get an A for Effort. It's pretty cold outside. But I am committed to a Pants Free Lifestyle now. And ya know what? It feels pretty good.

Also, today was ragey. It felt more like Monday than Monday did. I'm glad it is basically over. I'm off to get to drinkin' in the tub. That's what classy bitches do!

1 comment:

  1. Where is the bathroom?
    Spanish: Donde es el bano? or Donde es el neccesario?

    2 cold beers please:
    Spanish: Dos cervesas fria por favor!
