Let me start this post by saying, I am in LOVE with Once Upon a Time. Like, stand outside its window with binoculars and a video camera kind of love.
That being said- I am really freaking annoyed right now. I waited too long to watch it on Netflix, and then watched the first two seasons in a creepily short time period. So, I went to ABC.com and discovered that, since I STILL didn't finish it fast enough, they have taken the first 4 episodes of Season 3 down. So, I either wait 9,000,000 years for Netflix to put up the full season, or I start 4 episodes in. Needless to say, I will be waiting. But I am NOT happy about it.
So... I decided to take another stab at season 8 of Supernatural. I love that show. Maybe loved. I don't know. Jury is still out. Halfway through the season, they finally decided to give a few episodes worth of break time from a rather tiresome story arc, and give me a few great one-offs, so that's nice. And Dean is purdy. That doesn't hurt.
Now, let's head back to Storybrooke. Hehe, see what I did there?
Seriously- where did they find these people (aside from Rumplestiltskin, who they found in Trainspotting, and Emma, the babe from House)?! Actually, most important question- where did they find Hook? And can I go there? Maybe bring back a souvenir? Sweet Mother Superior (ooh, there it is again!), that is a FINE looking Irish Gentleman.
One last thing. As a sort of side-note: As previously mentioned, I am watching Supernatural, and it's an episode about LARP-ers. And the village they have built for their LARP-ing looks hilariously like a mashup of Fest and Robin Hood Men in Tights. It's making me giggle. Just sayin'.
And so I leave you with Felicia Day & Jensen Ackles looking gorgeous as per usual. You're welcome.